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October 30th, 2023

Can I Be Anonymous In MLM And Still Make Money?

Post by: Dr. Dave

Network Marketing is building a “network” of people who promote and sell products and services. There can be a lot of income made from large networks.

So let’s dig in to your important question: Can I Be Anonymous in Network marketing and Make a lot of Money?

Make Money Easier In This New MLM Company

I have been building MLM teams for a while now, and once in awhile someone joins my team who wants to be completely anonymous – meaning they want to set up a name that is not their name and they don’t want to talk to friends or family, or share it on Facebook.

Sound familiar?

I used to feel the same way, although I used my real name, I didn’t want to talk to anyone about my business, especially my friends and family. I wanted anonymity with my multi-level marketing and direct selling, especially before I achieved real levels of success.

Why do we do that?

Mainly, we don’t feel Network marketing is completely legitimate, or we think our friends and family will think it is a pyramid scheme.

In my case I was just very introverted and was worried my affiliate marketing would seem desperate or like I was promoting a Ponzi scheme. However, when you start to make good money in MLM your friends and family quickly want to join. So, Can You Be Anonymous and Make Bank in MLM?

Bottomline: If you won’t share it with friends and family, you have to use advertising which can get really expensive to promote your business, because you need tons of visitors to your opportunity to get massive leads to get a few signups. Most leaders have recruited friends and family and are not ashamed of the business. They share their business with everyone.Here is the thing about trying to hide your identity in multi-level marketing or direct sales. 

Say you do stay anonymous and you start to build a good team. Your name starts showing up on the company leaderboard. Everyone in the company sees your business name or fake name and start asking around: Who is this “Business Rocker” person? Then, most of your team you recruit will want to know your real name because who wants to build a business with a partner with a fake name?

You can’t build a huge MLM business based on a fake name. You will eventually be exposed, but hopefully by that time you are making enough income to take it seriously and stop hiding.

There are exceptions: You can create an LLC name for yourself, and market your business through mass marketing that way. However, when you develop some leaders on your team they are going to want to get to know you. Network marketing is all about relationships.

Or, you can promote your MLM like an Affiliate marketing business, meaning selling your product one-time and not developing a team, kind of like selling Amazon products on your blog. You just sell it one time and if anyone joins you you can just say you are a marketer and not a MLM leader, or promote the customer website instead of the distributor website link.An MLM leader once said, “network marketing is one big self-development course in disguise.”You learn a lot about yourself because network marketing will be a roller coaster, then you are also managing a team of people who are going through their own roller coaster ride.If you stay in network marketing long enough you will become a leader and you will become more concerned for your team’s success rather than your own. It is really a selfless endeavor long-term, but in the beginning we might not take it seriously and treat MLM like a lottery ticket rather than a serious endeavor.

So, if you are thinking about hiding behind a fake name because deep inside you don’t really believe in MLM, you won’t make it far.You might make it to $1,000 to $2,000 a month with a fake name, but to earn any more income above that you will really need to start believing MLM is here to stay and is a legitimate, life-changing business, and is something to be very proud about!

Make Money Easier In This New MLM Company